👋 Hoi, Ik ben

Isabelle Bento

SEO consultant based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Get in touch!

If you are looking for a SEO consultant for your project, here's what you need to know.

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Get to know my work

Essentially, content optimization, or SEO (search engine optimization), is the process of optimizing your content to make sure that it's more visible through the web. Search engine robots will rank highly optimized content higher on a search engine page than non-optimized content.

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About Isabelle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vulputate, justo a molestie venenatis, tellus dolor facilisis ex, id consequat leo ante eget nisi. Nunc pulvinar enim risus, sed faucibus elit accumsan quis. Suspendisse lacinia nisi a lacus accumsan, sed efficitur elit eleifend. Proin mattis placerat mauris, quis accumsan orci egestas nec.

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